Clone Scout Walker
Luxology Modo, Maya, Lightwave Layout
While doing my internship at I had to learn how to use Luxology's Modo 3D package. It was the first time I learned modeling in another 3D software than 3D Studio Max. And as an exercise I decide to build a Lego toy called the "Clone Scout Walker" (which I actually already did in 3D Studio Max) but with the pieces as close to the real pieces. All the pieces were made of only one mesh and all in Subdivision Modeling.
In the beginning there was a lot of swearing on Modo ("How the f*ck can I connect 2 vertices :@ !!") but at the end my
average working speed was almost the same as with 3DSM. Once the model was finished Jeroen said that it may be a good idea to try Maya for rigging the toy so it could actually walk. So I tried it out and came to a relative good result. Then the walker had to be rendered and I did this in Lightwave with the help of MDD Point Oven in Maya so I can retain the pose in Lightwave too.
A long way for a render but as I see the result I think it deserves it.